
Short biography

Antonio J. Reinoso holds a Computer Science MSc degree from the Universidad de Extremadura (Cáceres, Spain, 1997) and a Master in Software Libre from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Universidad Alfonso X (Madrid, Spain) where he teaches Operating Systems, Database design and management, Computer Architecture and Applications of New Technologies in Information Systems. He started his researching activities in a project devoted to develop a paralleled version of Minix kernel 2.0 (http://gsd.unex.es). Then, he moved to the area of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) where he developed a Java framework to provide a platform-independent system for capturing and deriving human speech to an Ivory-based speech recogniser (http://gsd.unex.es). At the same time, he was involved in two other research projects: SELCAA at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain), and "Towards no-barriers home: Integration of Robust Speech Recognition Technologies in the domestic European standard" at the Universidad de Extremadura (Spain) (both of them governmentally funded).

His current research interests at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain) include the paradigms for open management of knowledge and, particularly, their implementation through Wiki platforms such as Wikipedia. In particular, he is interested in the different interactions between users and Wikipedia. This topic was largely addressed in his PhD thesis and in several publications.

Furthermore, he is also interested in the application of information and communications technlogies (ICT) in university teaching. In this area, he is currently involved in several projects devoted to provide the university community with tailored wiki platforms. In addition, he is also partipating in different initiatives related to the deployment of applications and contents for Android mobile devices to be used as learning tools by university students.


E-mail: ajreinoso_at_gmail_dot_com

Twitter: #ajreinoso